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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rippin' with Mippin - Nice and handy way to get your monetized mobile blog

If you have not heard of our used Mippin, and its Mobilizer service you are missing something really good. Mippin does social networking and auto generation of your blog source (in my case this blog) into a mobi-style blog ( and allows you to use AdMob's ad services for your mobile blog. I have to say, nice layout, you got two styles to choose from;
  1. List style with images and text with links
  2. Images ala iPhone layout only with links

I am posting this first post to get AdMob enabled and verified on the Mippin mobile blog site. Mipping is using a verification code system for this.

Mippin feed validation KEY=8e8d322f

Stay tuned for updates about usability and any other comments.